Superpower Leeds


Connecting our people with opportunities

Superpower talent

Leeds City Council have partnered with Superpower to connect Leeds residents with local and national opportunities.

Superpower helps to match people with full or part time employment vacancies, short term placements and work experience.

Keep an eye on the site over the coming months as we build up a range of employers and job vacancies.

Superpower benefits include:

  • Shortlisting to employers based on your skills 
  • Access to thousands of free courses, masterclasses and mentoring 
  • Personalised feedback 
  • Opportunities matched to you 

Connecting our businesses with talent

Superpower business

Leeds City Council have collaborated with Superpower to support our future talent plan ambitions.

The result is a bold and ambitious new approach to bring together all elements of the employment market in the city with the aim of connecting the residents of Leeds to new opportunities and employment.

One of the key aspects of the plan, is to work with employers to supply opportunities and help to grow a wide and diverse talent pipeline. This will help businesses to grow whilst also providing employment and placement opportunities to the residents of Leeds.

At the heart of Superpower is the belief that an individual's capabilities extend beyond their background, CV, qualifications, or professional experience. By prioritising skills over traditional metrics, we assist organisations in fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse workforce, resulting in significant improvements in overall performance.

Superpower employer benefits include: 

  • AI driven platform 
  • Upskilling to support new talent 
  • A shortlisting dashboard 
  • Connect with local talent